Once upon a time there was a little girl called Emileeeeee McPheeeeee. She was basically raised alone with her sister, like small wolves. Fend for yourself, take any form of love where ever you can find it. "Just survive," the inner brain said, "and be what people want you to be. If you do not, people will not like you." Since there was very little love at her home except for her grandparents and a neighbour, she adopted many roles and acted many parts in order to survive. One must survive you know.
So Emileeeeee did whatever she could to grasp any form of love and appreciation she could get. One thing Emileeeeee had in her was love and compassion for her fellow humans. All of them. No one could take that away from her nor would she let them, no matter how much they tried. One person told her down the line that she was a master soul put back on earth to get it right this final time. It all made sense to her, because things, clearly, just were not right.
So as Emileeeeee got older she bought too many clothes; she was always 'on stage,' so to speak. She just was not who she really was but people did not know differently. They liked the "on stage" Emileeeeee a lot and Emileeeeee thought that if she introduced her real self to people they might not like her, so she just could not take that chance. After all, it was all about love and acceptance. Especially acceptance and yes, love too.
Years passed and Emileeeeee grew unhappier by the day. She had two rooms of clothes, forty three pair of shoes and sixty seven bras But even these clothes could not help her and she acquired horrible traits that were bizarrely accepted by the general public such as suicide attempts and eating disorders. Emileeeeee also got into situations where people would talk about her and take away her power. People love taking the away power. Oh yes they do. A lot.
Wallis Simpson once said, "You can neither be too rich or too thin", and people believed her. They lived by the rule and still do, and many people today still die from trying to be thin. Emileeeeee got into a lot of trouble trying to be thin and for decades she was killing herself trying to be something she would never be. If she could be thin, people would like her. That was never going to happen.
After years of having it all , one day she lost it all.
Suddenly Emileeeeee was forced to be something she had never been. HERSELF.
The real Emileeeeee had always been there, deep down, being kind to people and doing whatever she could to help her fellow humans. Each and every one of them.
A lot of people did not seem to warm up to the real Emileeeeee. She was plain and overweight but they seemed to forget that she still had the kindness she always had in her heart. That would never go away because that was the foundation of Emileeeeee.
Emileeeeee has nothing these days. No money, no clothes - nor does she want them. She no longer needs these things for people to like her as HERSELF. She just keeps the people around her who love her for being who she is. When people question where the old Emileeeeee went to, she smiles and shrugs her shoulders as HERSELF. She can finally be the REAL Emileeeeee and no one is ever going to take that power away again. After all, the old Emileeeeee , the "its all about ME" Emileeeeee, is finally dead and buried. Yes, she is buried with her two rooms of clothes, forty three pairs of shoes and sixty seven bras.
These are the tayles of Emileeeeee McPheeeeee. You know, we are really all Emileeeeee McPheeeeee's as her friend Dawn told her.
"Emileeeeee is not perfect, but perfect all the same."
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